Baby Makers
'A' Key to living forever is continued reproduction (amongst other values). Continuously producing offspring increasing positive currency, intelligence, biological as well as spiritual power, resources & working duplicated results maintaining 100% operational perpetual primary metabolic functionality breeds immortality to see Eternity.
Planning Parenthood (PP) Projects
Global identity, Deoxyribonucleic & Biological composition as well as physical imaging information submitted to the INTERNATIONAL U.S. OPERATIONS Global Intelligence Department (GID) for Billions around our global planet (& other participating spheres/dimensions) are accessed, referenced & indexed for precise as well as meticulous Parenthood partner selection.
Connecting selected partners is easy & effective with proven formulated methods including,however, not limited to establishing romance, private encounters, quiet & memorable opportunities alone & planned engagements.
The Baby Makers program is specifically designed to keep a Video Blog as well as track reproductive progress.
Having fun with the Baby Makers Show means enjoying Loving Connections, Moments, Pregnancy, Natural Birth, Breastfeeding & entertaining 'FREEDOM' & growth to live. This is better than Real TV. "This is 'Baby Makers' is what many say as we watch couples connect, reproduce, establish family, residence, luxuries & raise youth. Learn working & functional methods that are appealing to you while you prepare to reproduce again & again as a 'Baby Makers' STAR!
Insuring all participants are provided necessary means to sustain safe, secure longevity as a protected family unit is key to successfully establishing Plans for Parenthood. Planning Parenthood(PP) provides 'NEW' housing (with ownership deed rights) specifically built for the family. Transportation is provided also & income to satisfy expenses, recreation & general 'NEED'.
When we plan, no matter what, we agree to maintain friendly relations 1st while planning offspring futures as well. Planning Parenthood (PP). Our Future(s)!
Extensive existing & continuous INTERNATIONAL U.S. OPERATIONS as well as global Research & Development have gone into insuring we have correct information on what is necessary to reproduce correctly. Each person is different yes, however, also provided the 'FREEDOM' to establish family while extensive reproduction information on effective as well as established natural reproduction program techniques are transferred to complete preparation to start reproduction cycles for each program participant.
Continuous encouraged reproduction is designed to promote heritage longevity.